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Venus - Let’s Talk About Sex
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For det er pædagogisk sat op af Mette Carla Albrechtsen og Lea Glob. Manden bag er jo Werner Herzog, der er kongen af dokumentarfilm. Planen om at iscenesætte nogle af kvindernes fortællinger blev droppet til fordel for den collage af intime interview om sårbarhed, krop og begær, det er blevet til.
En ærlig, oprigtig og sårbar fortælling om kvindernes forhold til sex, om lysten, ulysten, fantasierne, følelserne, opdagelserne og alt det, vi aldrig taler om. Det var som at få vækket en sovende del af sig selv.
Filminfo - Over de kommende måneder fortæller kvinderne om deres seksuelle oplevelser og fantasier til filmkameraet.
Læs også: De er netop præmisserne for en række af tidens mest interessante dokumentarfilm, der skildrer problemstillinger hentet ud af den skinbarlige virkelighed. For selvom det er en kliché, så overgår virkeligheden faktisk ofte fantasien. DOX er gået i gang, og i den anledning præsenterer vi en række mesterværker, der er få klik - og en biftur væk: Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds Her møder vi Star Wars-skuespilleren Carrie Fisher og hendes mor, der også er skuespiller, Debbie Reynolds. Dokumentaren skildrer deres tætte forhold, der blandt andet har udmøntet sig i, at de bor klos op ad hinanden. Man får lidt fornemmelsen af en vaskeægte Hollywood-relation. Begge har set og oplevet mere end de fleste, men alligevel bor de i en boble. Men når man ser dem sammen, forstår man dem bedre, lidt ligesom, når man lærer ens venners forældre at kende. Carrie og Debbie døde i 2016 med en dags mellemrum - i den rækkefølge. Selvom det sætter dokumentaren i et lidt mere melankolsk lys, så møder vi to livsbekræftende personligheder. Er tilgængelig på HBO Nordic. Den fremsætter tesen om, at det amerikanske slaveri aldrig blev ophævet. I stedet smed man den sorte befolkning i fængsel ved at skabe love, der rammer USAs sorte, fattige befolkning i det 21. Dokumentaren giver et sublimt indblik i et pilråddent fængselssystem, der er drevet af penge. Et fåtal af de indsatte har f. Det er skræmmende, og ekstremt velfortalt og utrolig vigtig dokumentar. Er tilgængelig på Netflix. Into the Inferno Den er sindssygt fed - og afsindig smukt filmet! Manden bag er jo Werner Herzog, der er kongen af dokumentarfilm. Hans film kredser ofte om mennesker med en fetish, her er det en besættelse af vulkaner. Et andet kendetegn er hans særlige monolog, der akkompagnerer billederne. Langsomt og med en tung tysk accent filosoferer han højtideligt - nogle gange bliver det nærmest komisk. Allerede fem minutter inde i 'Into the Inferno' har Werner Herzog tilføjet et mystisk og poetisk aspekt til vulkaner, som de fleste andre dokumentarister aldrig ville gøre. Det handler om, hvor små vi mennesker er på denne planet, og at vi faktisk lever med disse ekstreme naturfænomener, der kunne slå os ihjel - hvilket statistiske fremskrivninger også underbygger. Er tilgængelig på Netflix. Going Clear Det er jo den ultimative afslørende fortælling om sekten, der i stigende grad har lukket sig om sig selv siden 90'erne. Man ved, at både John Travolta og Tom Cruise er prominente medlemmer, men her møder vi også prominente Hollywood-afhoppere. Deres vidnesbyrd giver indblik i en syg kultur, der er baseret på grundlæggeren L. Her får man også indblik i - for første gang - hvad de forskellige trin i den bevægelsens religiøse vækkelse, indebærer. Til tider er det komisk, men mest af alt skræmmende. Er tilgængelig på Netflix. Venus: Let's Talk About Sex Gennem fire år har to danske dokumentarister lavet et kæmpe researcharbejde. I deres egen stue har de interviewet 70 danske kvinder om deres forhold til egen krop og seksualitet. Vi kommer vidt rundt i personligheder, seksuelle præferencer og hudløst ærlige fortællinger. Uanset om man er mand eller kvinde, så får man noget ud af at lytte til filmens kvinder fortælle om erfaringer og usikkerheder, fordi sex er så tabubelagt, som det er. Og fordi de forholder sig til sig selv som seksuelle væsner, begynder man også selv at gøre det. Er aktuel i biografen lige nu.
»Jeg oplevede, at der ikke blev talt om det. Og vi sagde meget eksplicit, at det her virker kun, hvis vi er la. Interviewene er lavet gennem en længere periode, og kvindernes udseende ændrer sig lidt fra klip til klip, ligesom det sted, de står i deres sexliv. Det afspejler ikke virkeligheden«. I stedet smed man den sorte befolkning i fængsel ved at skabe love, der rammer USAs sorte, fattige befolkning i det 21. Biografen er fyldt op til dagens visning af - så vi sol ekstravisning i aften kl.
Gay speed dating denver
Gay Speed Dating – Tue 4/18
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It is American Speed Dating with an English touch. Do you have to be British to attend? What happens if the event is sold out? Our daters are also our product and we go to great lengths to ensure everyone meets lovely daters.
Weekend golf, classes, resort trips and social get-togethers for single golfers in Colorado. What time should I show up for the Event? Alas, the event is over but the night has just begun.
Connect. Discover. Share. - A low key, sophisticated approach to Gay Dating in New York. There is no official start time to the speed dating portion of the evening - we like to wait for all daters to arrive, to have a moment to settle in with a refreshment and mingle should they wish.
Sophisticated Simplicity Our offer a fresh alternative to gay speed dating and matchmaking in New York City. We don't find anything romantic about whistles, name-tags or over-the-top party trimmings typically found at singles events so we have done away with them. Creating an atmosphere that is at once casual and comfortable. It's what we call cheeky-chic! For those that prefer the same simplified experience in we offer our 'Date Nights' free of contracts or commitments. It's as simple as selecting your package, telling us your preferences and allowing us to arrange the evening. Consider us your blind date specialists! Sought after for our popularity, the personal service we offer and an unparalleled selection of daters you want to meet. It is the non-event of events. ~~~ We are regularly approached by venues looking to have the cheekiest in the world of dating to their spots. We say yes to a very few - limiting it to locales that are at once casually hip and comfortably chic. A fabulous way to visit or re-visit some of the flirtiest locales in your neighborhood. ~~~ Much like a private club, not every dater is for us. We are the only organization to routinely screen daters we feel may not be a good fit for our clients. If we meet a dater we don't think you'll fancy meeting, we'll say 'No thank you' so you don't have to. A low key, sophisticated approach to Gay Dating in New York. Preferring a 'less is more' environment devoid of typical event trappings. Gone are the name-tags, shouting and over-the-top party trimmings. Meeting your special someone shouldn't be anything but a comfortable and relaxed experience. Creating a private club atmosphere while recognizing our clients are also our product - we reward lovely daters with discounts and complimentary events and refuse service to anyone we don't think you'll fancy meeting. This is where being lovely has it's perks! Simply choose the event you wish to attend and purchase your tickets online. Any questions, concerns or advice can be called upon anytime simply by e-mailing info SpeedNYGayDate. Go the venue at the published start time for the event. There is no official start time to the speed dating portion of the evening - we like to wait for all daters to arrive, to have a moment to settle in with a refreshment and mingle should they wish. Our personable hosts will assist you with your SpeedNY GayDate 'Date-Mate' Scorecard. Flirty and fun, your Scorecard is just the beginning. Chat up our Hosts for tips or simply to ask, which direction the bar is in!. Simply jot down your potential 'Date-Mates' at the bottom of your Scorecard and we'll take care of the rest. For those who garner matches, you will be notified via e-mail within 24 hours of the event ending of your 'Date-Mate' results. Alas, the event is over but the night has just begun. Feel free to stay as long as you would like to mingle further. All we need are the 'Date-Mate' Scorecards to determine if love is in the air for you. With a British sensibility and simplicity, we offer uncompromising value with unparalleled service. Lovely venues and our lovely Hosts to assist you with anything or anyone. Mingle, Mix and Match - UK Style. SpeedNY GayDate is imported directly from the UK. It is American Speed Dating with an English touch. Rewarding lovely daters with discounts and complimentary events while saying no thank you to anyone we don't think you'll fancy meeting. Do the British Really Do it Better? Most speed dating parties are a bit like being at a college job fair. We at SpeedNY GayDate, do things a wee bit differently. Do you have to be British to attend? We are British founded and inspired but our daters are just like you. What type of people can I expect to meet? We tend to draw a crowd that is intelligent and amusing, sophisticated and adventurous, while always being cheeky. We are in part defined by our venues and our crowd reflects such. How do I reserve my place? Simply select the tab on the homepage for a listing of our events. Simply register online and you're all set! No paper tickets are required. You will be sent a confirmation from us and your name will be noted on our Guest List. ~~ Do you screen your speed daters? In the 11 years we have had the pleasure of serving daters we've noticed the nicer a dater is to us, our hosts and each other, the more matches they get. Much like a private club, not every dater is for us. Those that tend to see the good in everything and everyone - are just what we and our daters are looking for. If we don't think a dater is someone that fellow daters would get on with - we'll respectfully decline service and reserve the right to do so. Are you affiliated with any 'Meet-Up' groups? We think 'Meet-Up' is a lovely free service that gives those of similar interests the opportunity to connect. Some companies tout that they partner with many organizations including Craigslist offerings and 'Meet-Up' groups for their events. What happens if the event is sold out? We wish we could accommodate everyone! Unfortunately, the fun goes quick! You can email Info SpeedNYGayDate. Also, it is a good idea to keep checking back on our website as sometimes reservations become available at the last minute. We are continually updating our event calendar. What time should I show up for the Event? Published start times can be found in the event description. Please try to avoid doing anything unsafe in your attempt to arrive to the event on time - we do like to wait for all participants to arrive. This may cause an event to start late but we feel a perfect opportunity to chat up the hosts, have a lovely refreshment and settle in. There is no set start time for the speed dating portion of the night - we like to wait for all daters to arrive, settle in and grab a refreshment before the speed dating portion. You checked each other on your scorecards and your email address will be exchanged with this person 24 hours after the event. Only daters that garner matches are notified approx. Chat up your prospective 'Date-Mates' 6-7 minutes at a time. Sometimes, for our larger events, this may be shortened by 1 or 2 minutes to accommodate all of the mini-dates in a timely fashion. So Little time; So much to say. Just have fun and go with it! Can I return for free if I don't get a match at an event? Unlike other speed dating companies that offer free spots to those that don't receive matches, we take a different approach to returning guests. Those that receive matches, are quite popular and absolutely lovely - are often invited back with discounts or with our compliments. This ensures a fabulous pool of daters that others want to meet. ~~ Is Food included with my SpeedNY GayDate ticket price? From time to time venues may provide light nibbles for the guests. This is at the venue's discretion. How long does a SpeedNY GayDate event last? The length of an event is based on the number of daters in attendance. Generally, our events last about 2 hours including intermission. What Happens when the Event is over? Most Daters say this is when the fun really starts! Feel free to stay and mingle for as long as you want. Bring your friends, have some fun! Our hosts will gladly accommodate seating for all ticketed members of your party. If you would like to be seated together please let us know. We do ask all members of your party to email in themselves to reserve. How Many People Will I Meet? SpeedNY GayDate events vary in size, anywhere from 14-20 register for any given event. ~~ Can I pay without doing it through the Internet? We only accept payment via our secure and encrypted checkout systems. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us directly at 1-866-WE SPEED. What Should I Wear? Well the British always like to dress it up. However, dress how you feel. I Am Older or Younger than your age ranges — may I still attend? Of course you may. Our age ranges are merely suggestions. We offer many age range categories. Please feel free to select the age range most comfortable for you. Will I be photographed or filmed? You will absolutely not be photographed or filmed without your prior consent. While we and our daters are often called upon for special filmed events, they are scheduled as private events and are by invitation only. What if I don't have the ability to act like a lady or gentleman? Oh dear - how unfortunate. We do have a zero tolerance for any rudeness - of any sort. We attract such great daters but find - as in life - not every dater is ideal. Our daters are also our product and we go to great lengths to ensure everyone meets lovely daters. We want the right daters not just any daters. Behavior short of lovely will result in a dater being banned from the company. This may upset some but we feel our daters as a whole appreciate the extra effort and we hope you do too. Can you tell me more about your promotion for Cancer Awareness? We are super excited to announce our partnership with The Joan Gaeta Foundation for Lung Cancer Awareness. Our 'Night For Suzanne' is a great way to give back and have fun while doing it! Donate to the Joan Gaeta Foundation or any Cancer charity of your choice in the amount of your purchase - let us know you did - and we'll add you to the guest list of your desired event. For more information about the Joan Gaeta Foundation partnership, For additional questions, feel free to contact us at info SpeedNYGayDate.
Gay First Date Tips
~~~ We are regularly approached by venues looking to have the cheekiest in the world of dating to their spots. A low key, sophisticated approach to Gay Dating in New York. No paper tickets are required. You checked each other on your scorecards and your email address will be exchanged with this person 24 hours after the si. The length of an event is based on the number of daters in attendance. Consider us your blind date specialists. We are the only organization to routinely screen daters we feel may not be a good fit for our clients.