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Verlangsamte Entwicklung: Erschreckende Bilder: Schon im Mutterleib zeigen Föten Raucherschäden

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In fact, Graz is the 2nd largest city though. After the debate, the poll was done again and just 3.

Die Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten werden ein halbes Jahr davor nominiert. The 2015 budget, even though it is presented together with the 2014 budget, will be passed in the fall though because of the law. Meanwhile, the Hypo losses in the bad-bank are now estimated in the 4 Bio. Die Vorbeugung gegenüber Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen beginnt im Kindesalter.

Verlangsamte Entwicklung: Erschreckende Bilder: Schon im Mutterleib zeigen Föten Raucherschäden - From my perspective, just does not make poli logical sense.

Just spent quite a few hours reading through the entire Austrian election thread. This election was absolutely fascinating to me, particularly since I will be starting at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna next August. Again, thanks for the excellent work on here. Again, thanks for raucherkinder excellent work on here. Thanks to him, we are all experts on Austrian politics now. Thanks to him, we are all experts on Austrian politics now. Again, thanks for the excellent work on raucherkinder. Yeah, that's a fair raucherkinder. Just spent quite a few hours reading through the entire Austrian election thread. This election was absolutely fascinating to me, particularly since I will be starting at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna next August. Again, thanks for the excellent work on here. Their party platform so far is a mix of both: pro-business policies that favor start-ups, small-business owners, lowering taxes for them etc. Which means the coalition talk business will now become serious. Side fact: Today is also President Fischer's 75th birthday. Unter Bedachtnahme auf dieses Wahlergebnis betraue ich Sie, sehr geehrter Herr Bundeskanzler Faymann, als den Vorsitzenden der stimmen- und mandatsstärksten Partei, mit der Erstattung von Vorschlägen für die Bildung einer neuen Bundesregierung im Sinne des Art. Die von Ihnen zu bildende Bundesregierung wird auch die Aufgabe haben, den Ursachen des Ergebnisses der jüngsten Nationalratswahl auf den Grund zu gehen und daraus raucherkinder erforderlichen Konsequenzen zu ziehen. Das betrifft sowohl den Stil der Regierungsarbeit als auch die Durchsetzungsfähigkeit bei wichtigen Reformprojekten. Darüber hinaus sollen die Oppositionsfraktionen im Parlament in den Raucherkinder der politischen Willensbildung in bestmöglicher Weise eingebunden werden. Die zu bildende Bundesregierung muss auch bereit und in der Lage sein, Österreichs Rolle im europäischen Integrationsprozess in umfassender Weise wahrzunehmen und darauf hinzuarbeiten, dass österreichische und europäische Interessen in ihrer Gesamtheit und in ihrer wechselseitigen Bedingtheit gesehen raucherkinder bearbeitet werden. Ich bin überzeugt, dass es im Interesse unseres Landes und der künftigen Bundesregierung gelegen ist, die Regierungsverhandlungen zügig zu führen und abzuschließen. Ich darf um regelmäßige Berichterstattung über den Stand der Regierungsverhandlungen ersuchen und wünsche Ihnen für die mit diesem Auftrag verbundenen Bemühungen den besten Erfolg. Ich bleibe mit besten Wünschen und mit freundlichen Grüßen, Bundespräsident Dr. Frank Stronach has basically fired the whole leadership in the state and they said they won't run in the 2014 Vorarlberg state election. Where do you come from. Hope you enjoy your stay in Vienna and your studies at raucherkinder Diplomatic Academy. Looking at Austria, what has been really interesting coming from an American perspective is how much farther right-leaning young people, particularly young men, are compared to the population as a whole. This is obviously in quite some contrast to the United States, where young people are much much more left leaning than the average voter. It would be fascinating to understand raucherkinder the roots of this are. Frank Stronach has basically fired the whole leadership in the state and they said they won't run in the raucherkinder Vorarlberg state election. Wahrscheinlich ist eine große Koalition, doch ein Wort mitreden wollen auch die Neos. Sie sind liberal, pro-europäisch und sehr selbstbewusst. Der 40-Jährige ist das Gesicht der Partei. Who is in favor and who's against. Why would the Greens join that. People do dumb things, that's why. raucherkinder All the time, pretty much. Who is in favor and who's against. Why would the Greens join that. People do dumb things, that's why. All the time, pretty much. As Lewis said, the Greens are not raucherkinder for a regular coalition. The mayor of my home city Zell am See, Hermann Kaufmann, has been found dead today in his house. The cause is likely either a heart attack or a stroke. Kaufmann was also a really folksy guy, always showing up at festivities in the city. He was only 56 years old and leaves behind 2 sons. However, the controversial Austrian politician still casts a shadow over the country, as courts, taxpayers and rival political parties are grappling with his populist legacy. In the early hours of October 11, 2008, Haider was drunk at the wheel of his car when he veered off the road at a high speed. The 58-year-old died less than two weeks after his Alliance had won nearly 11 percent in an raucherkinder for parliament. The 2 party leadership boards will meet on Monday to formalize it. If the talks are quick, a new government is likely by early December - if not, then by Christmas or New Year. The 2 party leadership boards will meet on Monday to formalize it. If the talks are quick, a new government is likely by early December - if not, then by Christmas or New Year. Therefore a similar result will also be unlikely maybe 5-10%. But raucherkinder appear on election posters I guess. Maybe they raucherkinder find new members ahead of raucherkinder election, but it's not looking good for them. They have an office there, but other than that raucherkinder people, or people willing to run. And no money of course. Maybe the Pirates will run too and get 1%. The 2 party leadership boards will meet on Monday to formalize it. If the talks are quick, a new government is likely by early December - if raucherkinder, then by Christmas or New Year. What exactly is the debate around schools about. The final coalition agreement for 2013-18 will of course have planned policies in the environmental areas as well. What exactly is the debate around schools about. raucherkinder Both Faymann and Raucherkinder brushed that thought away immediately and said that a new 2014 budget will be passed in the next weeks. Provisional budgets are nothing unusual in Austria though after elections, because usually the new government passes them. But he did a good job in the past 2. He also got the most preference votes in the parliamentary election, more than Faymann and Spindelegger. When he became State Secretary for Integration in 2011 at the age of 24, there was controversy because of his young age. But he did a good job in the past 2. Raucherkinder also got the most preference votes in the parliamentary election, more than Faymann and Spindelegger. I met Kurz at an event several months ago, and he really seemed like a smart and decent guy. The Parliament badly needs an infusion of hotness anyway. Except, in stead of being killed, their leader has to flee back to Canada like Cinderella before her carriage turns into a pumpkin. I mean, has to pay Austrian taxes. Therefore he's leaning towards running again, he told the Presse. A total of 33 Mio. Teachers currently state or federally-employed civil servants will become employees of each school and the headmaster can hire and fire them. The politician who is currently on a salary of 7. The payment would put him raucherkinder roughly the same salary as raucherkinder vice governor of the region which he used to have. The vice governor gets a salary of 14. That has meant raucherkinder substantial drop in income because the payment to the party is based on how many mandates that hold. Yet while the loss of income has meant savings being made across the board — Steidl has disappointed the rank and file with his lack of solidarity raucherkinder demanding his own salary be increased as everybody else faces the risk of cuts. Others are laughing at me at that amount. He added he was campaigning not just for himself but also for the rights of his successors to be fairly paid. Everyone I've talked to so far is pretty pissed off about it, considering the average raucherkinder in the state are ca. Austria's WirtschaftsBlatt, citing well-informed sources, said T-Mobile Austria would pay 700 million euros and Hutchison Whampoa's H3G would hand over 300 million. Reuters reported last month that bids had reached around 2 billion euros in the auction, which began on September 9 and had targeted at least 526 million. Similar auctions in much larger European countries have brought in 4. Wages in Austria are paid 14 times a year, but the tax rate for the 13th and 14th wage are much lower than for the regular 12 wages. Which means his monthly wage is ca. For example in Sweden it is higher at 57. The 1st session of the new legislative term with the swearing in of new members incl. I know left-right spectrum has been quite lost for Austria for decades, but still, have you no decency. The answers were standstill, corruption and lies. Schalli's wife had a secret relationship with Carinthian Team Stronach leader and government member Gerhard Köfer. Schalli meanwhile filed for divorce. Austrian economists expect that the new government will draft another austerity package. Otherwise the fiscal objectives will not be achieved. The old government, which was composed of the same parties, planned to lower the budget deficits gradually until 2017. In 2016, Austria should achieve a zero deficit, the government announced in late 2011. Now, in the course of the coalition talks, fiscal issues turn out to be most controversial. Simply said, the fiscal situation is more tense than expected. Instead of tax cuts, Austrians face austerity measures. The unfavorable frame conditions are mainly due to the recapitalization of nationalized banks, the growing unemployment and the weak economic growth. As a result, there are more and more indications that Austrians face another austerity package. Other factors that could threaten the zero deficit by 2016 are the fact that economic growth 0. Which means less revenues and more unemployment spending. Let's see what the new government plans to tackle the budget gap: The typical Austrian way is to raise a few not so important taxes, so that the middle class is not hurt all too badly, while cutting a few other not so important areas. I don't see it really: In the first 9 months of the raucherkinder so far, raucherkinder government deficit was 1. And the additional bank raucherkinder for this year is already in the budget. Which means the deficit this year is likely coming in at ca. Let's see where this is heading. But the coalition talk climate is pretty bad, they say. But the coalition talk climate is pretty bad, they say. Well, it seems this was only the talk of the tabloids. In the next weeks, they will talk about the measures to close the 24. He ended the relationship with his girlfriend raucherkinder fiancée Andrea, who he wanted to marry after the election on Sept. This system would lead to a higher pension entry age, which further means higher revenues in the tax system. But it looks like they have now found ways to fill at least 16 Bio. Measures to fill the remaining 8 Bio. We'll see if the new party leader can narrow the gap until 2015. They are always wrong and show us behind. Lindner stepped down today as the only Independent member of the Parliament. Zu 80 Prozent seien die Verhandlungen in den Untergruppen aber schon abgeschlossen, heißt es. Which means we have to wait until the coalition contract is signed to know what's in there. But both sides say that the result in the end is more important than the time it takes. And they raucherkinder still optimistic that the contract can be signed before Christmas or New Year. Raucherkinder is the 3rd of 9 state parties that has either dissolved or split raucherkinder from the main party, with another Carinthia in major trouble. What would happen in this one. What would happen in this one. Something exciting is actually happening in Austrian politics. I am surprised, nay shocked. Though I'm sure they'll find common ground enough for the ever lasting raucherkinder Grand Coalition to continue for some more raucherkinder. After all, in Austrian politics, shaking the boat would be much worse than a constitutional ban on euthanasia. I know they're Catholic, but putting something like that in the constitution seems as strange as putting hetero-marriage there. What would happen raucherkinder this one. Something exciting is actually happening in Austrian politics. I am surprised, nay shocked. Though I'm sure raucherkinder find common ground enough for the ever lasting boring Grand Coalition to continue for some more years. After all, in Austrian politics, shaking the boat would be much worse than a constitutional ban on euthanasia. I know they're Catholic, but putting something like that in the constitution seems as strange as putting hetero-marriage there. Euthanasia is one of them. I still don't know really what led them to approving same-sex civil unions a few years ago. Maybe they realized that many voters would turn their back on them at the next polls just like people are turning their back on the Catholic Churchif they keep living in the middle ages. Es gibt nur Einnahmen und Ausgaben, die auseinanderklaffen. There are only revenues and expenditures that are diverging. A phrase by Raucherkinder mayor Michael Häupl. Mainly an increase in raucherkinder taxes, alcohol taxes and the NoVa tax which is a car sales raucherkinder for emmissions. To keep the economy going, the social security payments for employers will be lowered. But it seems that the solidarity payment of the 13th and 14th wages for people who earn more than 15. Voters punished the two heavyweights in September elections - which bolstered the eurosceptic far right - by giving them historically low support. But they appeared set on a broad continuation of existing policy in the Alpine republic, one of the European Union's most affluent and stable member states - although not without a need for some reforms. Nun ist die Koordinierungsgruppe um die Parteichefs am Zug, die die letzten offenen Fragen klären müsse. The coalition contract should now only be a matter of days, raucherkinder another week. Then on Monday, the Austrian President could swear in the new government and on Tuesday Chancellor Faymann and the cabinet members will give their introduction speeches. Apparently, Spindelegger will become Finance Minister and Sebastian Kurz will become Foreign Minister. I'll post the details tomorrow. Details about the coalition raucherkinder, tax measures raucherkinder. Swearing in the President on Monday. F+S had a press conference about an hour ago, but that lasted only 10 raucherkinder. Mostly because raucherkinder 2 party boards will debate the coalition agreement tonight and talk about minister candidates. There will be a big press conference tomorrow at 5pm, where the coalition raucherkinder will be unveiled, the new ministers presented and journalist questions will be answered as well. Well, we'll know tomorrow evening at the big press conference. A fact that is already known: The coalition contract will have about 125 pages. Raising the real pension entry ages will keep people employed, which means more tax revenues instead of pension payments. And raucherkinder lot more tomorrow. Her father, who died this year, was the founder of the Austrian Gallup Institute in the 1960s and one of the most famous political commentators in the country in the past decades. Family and Youth which have been part of the Economy Ministry have now been upgraded to a Ministry on its own, which will be headed by Sophie Karmasin. Also, the Young Socialists are against the contract, because it lacks a wealth tax. This hour, Faymann and Spindelegger are the President to inform him about the coalition deal and the cabinet choices. On Monday, the President will swear in the whole cabinet. On Tuesday, the new Cabinet will hold their first speeches in the National Council. The speech of the Chancellor is traditionally the first and longest the so called Regierungserklärung. Seems quite absurd to me - only two secretaries in the whole government, and then both within the same department. Seems quite absurd to me - only two secretaries in the whole government, and then both within the same department. Maybe they just don't need state secretaries for other cabinet posts. And: 63% are in favour of increasing taxes for alcohol and tobacco products to achieve a balanced budget by 2016. According to the law, religious references can be added to the pledge. I'm surprised, however, that only two cabinet raucherkinder added the religious reference. The centrist government sworn in this week had promised continuity and to protect living standards, but immediately provoked the ire of several groups by scrapping the science ministry and taking a hard line on balancing the budget. Police said 40,000 civil servants took part in the demonstration in front of Vienna's imperial Hofburg Palace, angered by a below-inflation pay offer after a pay freeze last year, and a stop to hiring that raucherkinder depleted staff numbers. But raucherkinder trade unions organizing the protest highlighted their lowly paid members, who include janitors, kindergarten assistants and rubbish collectors. Probably some vote flows between them. And: The new cabinet members are doing relatively well so far, with Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz leading the ranking and Interior Minister Mikl-Leitner last. Raucherkinder estimates using the first 11 months indicate that the deficit this year is around 1. Preliminary estimates using the first 11 months indicate that the deficit this year is around 1. Courts see below have now ordered that the 3 Austrian mobile phone carriers must pay the network auction fees of 2 Bio. raucherkinder On the other hand, the Hypo bank needed another 800 Mio. That leaves at least 1. This will lower the Austrian deficit this year to about 1. It was the third unsuccessful attempt to hold up raucherkinder payments after the country's top administrative court last week turned down a similar request. But the Deutsche Telekom unit said failure to issue an injunction had no bearing on the substance of its appeal against the way the auction was held, a case that it said was likely to be decided by both raucherkinder courts in 2014. Aleksandar Sapic got fired as the vice-president of the Democratic Party for placing an offensive message about Sebastian Kurz on his Twitter account. Sebastian's Kurz's surname in most Balkan languages could sound as a rude word for a penis, Aleksandar Sapic commented raucherkinder in his tweet. A similar case however happened in Croatia when the Minister of Foreign Affairs Vesna Pusic met Raucherkinder Kurz. Austria is one of the most important partners of former Yugoslav countries so it would not be easy to avoid such situation in the future as well. Raucherkinder will be passed next month and become law on March raucherkinder. Taxes that will be increased involve tobacco products, alcohol products, the NoVa tax for new car sales, the motor-related insurance tax for all cars and increased taxes for persons who earn raucherkinder than 14. Proposals raucherkinder accross-the-board spending cuts for all ministries will be worked out in the raucherkinder weeks. The 2014 budget will be presented raucherkinder Finance Minister Spindelegger on April 29 before the National Council - together with raucherkinder 2015 budget. The 2014 raucherkinder will have a deficit of 1. The 2015 budget, even though it is presented together with the 2014 budget, will be passed raucherkinder the fall though because of the raucherkinder. The 2013 Maastricht budget deficit was around 1. The exact figures will be published at the end of March by Statistics Austria. Of course, there's still the Hypo and 2 other banks that might need another cash infusion by the government this year. Only my car insurance tax will be increased. raucherkinder I don't smoke and rarely drink alcohol, so no taxes here for me. I also do not earn more than 14. And I raucherkinder buy a new car, raucherkinder no increased NoVa tax for me. If a kid until 18 is not in either some kind of school, apprenticeship, training etc. Also, family benefits will be raised by 1 Bio. Kennedy met Nikita Khrushchev there onceballs and seminars. Kennedy met Nikita Khrushchev there onceballs and seminars. Nice, raucherkinder idea what artist did the panels and ceiling. Kennedy met Nikita Khrushchev there onceballs and seminars. Nice, any idea what artist did the panels and ceiling. An internet search is saying it is Josef Mikl who did it in the mid 90's, atfer raucherkinder room was destroyed by raucherkinder fire in 1992. Tender probably knows more about it, having access to German-language information. Kennedy met Nikita Khrushchev there onceballs and seminars. Nice, any idea what artist did the panels and ceiling. An internet search is saying it is Josef Mikl who did it in the mid 90's, atfer the room was destroyed by a fire in 1992. Tender probably knows more about it, having access to German-language information. Yeah, in late 1992 parts of the Hofburg were totally destroyed by a huge fire that grew inside for an hour or so, before a fire detector went off and alarmed the firefighters. A lot of historic ballrooms, paintings and other art were destroyed. It was renovated and re-opened in 1997. Josef Mikel, an artist from Vienna, was asked to do the panels and ceiling. In the last federal raucherkinder, the party was at 1%. Don't know exactly why they did this maybe that they are more appealing to voters in the center. Or do you think that'd kill Neos. Possible yes, according raucherkinder the poll. But the next election is in late 2018, so a lot can change. Well, in this poll, it's already nearly what's happening. Well, in this poll, raucherkinder already nearly what's happening. But just wait until they start making mistakes and their support will fall. The 29-year-old Viennese was arrested by police for having illegal sex in December after she went to them to report that she had raucherkinder raped in an underground car park by a man from Yemen. The police also told her she could escape the charges if she agreed to marry the man raucherkinder says attacked her. The unidentified 29-year-old tourist told authorities she was raped in the underground garage of a luxury hotel in early December and was then jailed herself for several days. The delegation arrived raucherkinder Vienna on Thursday night, where Kurz welcomed her home. The Avaaz advocacy group said 250,000 people had signed an online petition calling for the woman to be freed. One might think its issues esp. One might think its issues esp. Othmar Karas, their pretty well-known and popular frontrunner. The police officers will be stationed at other posts or in offices of municipal town hall buildings. They can get a rifle. Another exemption is raucherkinder 18-21 year olds, who are in raucherkinder profession where their security is at risk see below. They can buy, own and carry a handgun if they meet the above criteria. To carry a handgun outside your home, you need an additional carrying permit for which you need a raucherkinder justification for example if you are a taxi driver or jeweler to protect yourself or the business. This means that civil raucherkinder are banned from getting a raucherkinder for 15 years after they start their civil service. Exemptions are made for civil servants who want to join the police after their service, registered members of sport shooting clubs and hunters. Othmar Karas, their pretty well-known and popular frontrunner. Most of them just vote at federal level, because they think just that affects them. Most of them just vote at federal level, because they think just that affects them. Hi, welcome to the Forum. Good to have another Austrian on here. He's not posting either anymore. Where are you living, Cranberry. Raucherkinder wouldn't have given them more than, let's say, 35%. I would have given them more, as they did especially well in the Innviertel. I didn't know that, thank you. I don't think they will be doing it in the next time, not after such a poll. However, this issue isn't very important, so maybe not raucherkinder will change now. I didn't know that, thank you. I don't think they will be doing it in the next time, not after such a poll. However, raucherkinder issue isn't very important, so maybe not much raucherkinder change now. Objective: Caring for the dying, hospice and palliative care can enable a high-level quality of life to the end. The raucherkinder framework must also allow dignified death in the future. At the same time, a sustained commitment to the ban on euthanasia is to be delivered. Measures: Referral to a parliamentary Fact-Finding Committee and Bioethics Committee with the possibility of constitutional anchoring of the ban on euthanasia and the right to die with dignity. The shaping of this law, adopted raucherkinder a simple majority, should in particular further ensure that the same access is guaranteed to palliative care as to the prevailing possibilities for care for the dying. Implementation: Submission of a bill draft in 2014. Posted that to fill the boring gaps in between. I have started to ignore your daily updates, and just go over the accumulated posts every one or two weeks. I'd rather, however, have you focusing on relevant news, so I would be reassured that when you post something it is worth reading which a lot of your Austria-related info definitely is. I wouldn't have given them more than, let's say, 35%. I would have given them more, as they did especially well in the Innviertel. It all depends if Gov. Raucherkinder model for this bad-bank should be ready by the summer. A huge majority of Austrians actually want the bank to go bankrupt and get rid of Jörg Haider's prime project for Carinthia once and for all. Haider once said that the bank would be a boost for the state of Carinthia, then the state took up liabilities for over 20 Bio. Haider's big raucherkinder project was dead and it was sold to the Bavarians. Then when everything went downhill, the Bavarians wanted to get rid of the bank and Austria's then-Finance Minister Pröll quickly nationalized it. Then the Austrian taxpayers had to put 5 Bio. The risk remains that an insolvency of Hypo Alpe, a lender that came close to collapse in 2009 after an ill-fated expansion in the former Yugoslavia, could affect other Austrian banks or the government, Faymann said in the lower house of parliament in Vienna today. The bank has already cost taxpayers 4. Faymann was speaking during a parliamentary debate forced by opposition lawmakers who have criticize the government for mismanaging the nationalized lender. What I find unfair is that, at least I read raucherkinder so in the newspapers, Carinthia doesn't have to pay anything, even though they have a fond of money from the Hypo-sell. What I find unfair is that, at least I read it so in the newspapers, Carinthia doesn't have to pay anything, even though they have a fond of money from the Hypo-sell. And of course, Carinthia has no intention to pay for their fumbling of raucherkinder Hypo. Meanwhile, the Hypo losses in the bad-bank are now estimated in the 4 Bio. But it seems they don't really have much of a clue of what the exact losses will be. They sometimes do this and I hate it when they do so. The redesign of the street was initiated by the Red-Green city government with the Greens being the most eager about it. Basically, the redesign was about transforming the MaHü from a raucherkinder road with tons of cars into a pedestrian area only, with biking lanes, children playgrounds etc. Only delivery cars would be allowed to enter the MaHü between 7am and 1pm. So, the city-gov launched the referendum in which every 16+ year old with main residence in the 6. The result was a big win for the Red-Green government again, especially for the Greensafter polls have previously shown that the initiative is in danger. The results raucherkinder The poll among the residents of the 6th and 7th districts regarding the redesign of Mariahilfer Straße started on 17 February 2014. On Friday, 7 March 2014, all questionnaires returned were counted in the municipal district offices of the 6th and 7th districts. The questions asked in the raucherkinder were as follows: A The measures to reduce traffic in Mariahilfer Straße should remain in force. Among the residents who ticked answer A, 9,459 persons 55. The counting process About 40 staff raucherkinder of the municipal district offices counted the questionnaires returned. Members of all political parties represented in the district councils of the 6th and 7th districts monitored the counting. In addition, a notary public supervised the entire process. The city government is currently working anyway to implement the best version and evaluate it after a few years. Polls have opened at 6:30 already and close at 5pm. Mayors and city councils in 119 cities and towns will be elected. The most interesting result will be Salzburg City, where the Red-Green coalition could be voted out. I'll post the results after 5pm. Bigger cities are still open for another hour. Any idea how many votes it could contain, Tender. Any idea how many votes it could contain, Tender. In 8 cities there will be a run-off in 2 weeks. In the city of Salzburg, the Red-Green government was re-elected despite losses raucherkinder they kept 21 of 40 seats. Any idea on how their vote has developed if one only takes those communities where they already were on the ballot in 2009. I guess, in that case gains in the Salzburg periphery would still have been offset by their loss in Salzburg proper. However, I have a question for you, Tender: Other than Salzburg City, besides of few expections, the most red municipalities are in the inner-mountainous areas of the Pinzgau and Pongau. In Tyrol, the most alpine areas are the most black, while the most flat areas are more red. Why is it the other way round in Salzburg. Any idea on how their vote has developed if one only takes those communities where they already were on the ballot in 2009. I guess, in that case gains in the Salzburg periphery would still have been offset by their loss in Salzburg proper. You are right: The Greens increased their coverage in the last 5 raucherkinder, by participating in more towns. If we want to see how the Green %age changed, we need to focus on those towns were they competed 5 years ago too. Sry, I don't have a precinct raucherkinder for Salzburg-city, because the electoral districts are not the same as the city districts. In Tyrol, the most alpine areas are the most black, while the most flat areas are more red. Why is it the other way round in Salzburg. Saalfelden has many manufacturing companies as well. Peter Padourek certainly also won big yesterday because of Kaufmann's record. Probably because the rents in the city of Zell am See are already very high, so people live elsewhere, where it's cheaper and commute into the city for work. I'm now seriously considering leaving Austria after the next elections, and never come back again. raucherkinder Over the weekend, a task force set up to advise how to deal with the stricken lender backed setting up a bad bank, rejecting the other option of letting Hypo go bust that has set investors on edge in recent weeks. I think too much Austrians are really too dumb to vote. That means a projected deficit of 2% for 2014. Carinthia is totally opposed to this idea. I think too much Austrians are really too dumb to vote. It won't, I've given up on that front. You would have too, if you were an Austrian. The first chart shows voting intentions among all people surveyed. Walter, a former head of Dresdner Bank, replaces Klaus Liebscher, who resigned last month after disagreements with the government over how to deal with Hypo. Hypo asked the government on Friday for another 1. Hypo has already received 4. Austria put an end to uncertainty over Hypo's future earlier this month when it raucherkinder out the possibility of letting it go bust. Instead, the government will wind down the bank via raucherkinder bad bank that will take on 18 raucherkinder euros of Hypo assets, but it will take months until the wind-down facility is set up. So, what does it mean. Austria's budget deficit will rise to about 2-3% this year, up from 1. Also, Carinthia will have to pay 0. Which means the government will spend 5 Bio. The state debt will increase by about 6% this year, from 74% to 80% - because 18 Bio. These assets will be sold over time, so that in about 10 years the debt ratio will go back by about 6% again. This will then be the same procedure as for heteros who want to marry. Yes, I have phrased it badly. The raucherkinder definition is like this: Elections In each Province a General Assembly, a kind of employees' parliament, is elected by equal, direct and secret ballot for a period of five years. All Chamber members are entitled to vote. The Mauthausen committee has already long ago said that the swastika needs to be removed, but the owner of the castle who said he's completely opposed to Nazi ideology says it's too dangerous to renovate the castle, because the whole building could crash down if workers use drilling machines to remove it. Now this thing will probably remain up there. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born raucherkinder the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the raucherkinder and the dead. I raucherkinder in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Some facts: The budget deficit last year was 1. This will increase the deficit to 2. If these raucherkinder turn out to be true, it would take 3 years to absorb the 20 Bio. Elections are not a game for fukc's sake. Elections are not a game for fukc's sake. It's a tabloid, what else would you expect. Team Stronach meanwhile announced that they are not running in this election. So we could have our first black-pink government. The Local is ready to shine a light on what happens in the centre of Europe. The Raucherkinder is excited to announce that it has just added another country to the family, with a new team in Vienna, Austria. From Conchita Wurst to other famous Austrians and their doings world-wide, we have the country covered. Key Account Manager Romana Lakinger studied structural engineering, but switched careers to script-writing and sales. She returned to Vienna in 2011 and joined The Local in 2014, where she handles Austrian sales. Paul Gillingwater takes care of business development for The Local Austria, and occasionally commits premeditated acts of journalism. He has worn many hats some of them quite stylish raucherkinder, in the fields of Raucherkinder business, security, nuclear energy, industrial development and documentary filmmaking. It's very popular here, but vegetarians might prefer the tasty chocolate sponge cake from the Hotel Sacher, together with a cup of Viennese coffee topped with whipped cream. That's easy to explain: Vorarlberg has a high amount of foreigners the 2nd highest of all states, except Vienna. So rather good news for Spindelegger and Mikl-Leitner, whose home this is. Knapp die Hälfte ist sogar ausdrücklich dafür, dass nicht nur eine rechtlich untergeordnete Verpartnerung vorgenommen, sondern wirklich raucherkinder werden sollte. Bei diesem Thema sind erwartungsgemäß vor allem die Jüngeren bis 29 Jahre toleranter als andere Bevölkerungsgruppen. Poll respondents under the age of 29 are even more tolerant than other age groups on this issue. Bei den kommenden Gemeinderatswahlen in Kärnten, Oberösterreich und Steiermark will Grosz dennoch kandidieren. In Styria, they could even get 30% next year. I'm curious because the reverse seems to hold true for right-wing populist parties in most other countries. I'm curious because the reverse raucherkinder to hold true for right-wing populist parties in most other countries. The price tag is 4 Bio. He added that theoretically, changes in the wage tax could be retrospective. Unions calling for a income tax decrease??. Unions aligned with the major centre-right party??. The major centre-right party being the opposition to an income tax decrease??. Unions calling for a raucherkinder tax decrease??. Unions aligned with the major centre-right party??. The major centre-right party being the opposition to an income tax decrease??. That's one of the reasons why emloyee unions are in favour of tax cuts - because the unions are actually elected raucherkinder the employees and the unions increasingly get the feedback from their members that a tax raucherkinder is needed now more than ever. It should be noted that the conservative Tyrolian employee-representation got more than 60% in the elections raucherkinder year see graphic on the previous pageso it has some weight when they attack Spindelegger. Feeding banks, cuts in education. Finance Minister, now we need fresh money for education and jobs. Vorarlberg is also the only Austrian state with an Alemannic German dialect, which is similar to the ones in Switzerland and Baden-Württemberg state in Germany. All other Austrian states have different forms of Bavarian-German dialects. Vorarlberg is very export-oriented and machinery-producing Vorarlberg exported 8. Vorarlberg has the highest life expectancy in Austria with 84 years for women and 80 years for men. The state is also raucherkinder the most innovative regions in the world in terms of patents: Stockholm tops the list, with Vorarlberg coming in 7th - slightly behind Massachusetts. Politically, the Conservatives have always dominated the state and it's labour and trade unions. Therefore it's not surprising that the 2009 state election was like this: 50. Both raised new capital to bolster their reserves raucherkinder of the repayment. We also don't need Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan in Vienna. He was referring to the Turkish premier's plan to visit Vienna this month to address supporters. But expropriating Carinthia is not as easy as Spindelegger thought: To get the 500 Mio. The next election is in late 2018. Better send the price tag to Erdogan's office instead. That's just nationalistic propaganda what Erdogan is doing there, raucherkinder to fish votes. I'm sorry, but if he doesn't want the Turks to integrate, he should bring them back to Turkey - easy solution. I don't have anything whatsoever against immigrants, and it know that Austria needs them, and I'm in favour of everyone who wants to come here and live in our country. But that is not a successful integration going on there, and I can't be in favour of this. As for the Turks in Austria, they're voters. Beyond that he doesn't care. Who are we talking about. Turks citizens living in Austria, Austrian-Turks with both citizenships or Austrian citizens with Turkish background. The Presidential Election in Turkey later this year will be the first in which Turkish raucherkinder living abroad will be eligible to vote. Like you said, there are 3 groups of Turkish people in Austria, out of which Turkish citizens can vote raucherkinder the Turkish Presidential raucherkinder and people which have both Austrian and Turkish citizenship. Austrians of Turkish origin that only have Austrian citizenship are of course not allowed to vote. In numbers, this means roughly 120. I mean, every Austrian would see how they are terrible, so they would lose big. I mean, raucherkinder Austrian would see how they are terrible, so they would lose big. I raucherkinder that you're upset, but you know that is not how the public service of peacekeeping actually works, and that it shouldn't be how it works as a matter of fact. I get that you're upset, but you know that is not how the public service of peacekeeping actually works, and that it shouldn't be how it works as a matter of fact. If it were an official state visit, then yeah. In fact, there are several countries where the police are paid to keep the peace at special events like sports matches, though I don't know if Austria is one. I raucherkinder police gets paid from taxpayer money for all events they need to cover and protect. What do you mean exactly. As I said, I don't know if this applies in Austria, too. As I said, I don't know if this applies in Austria, too. I'm quite sure that the police here does no fundraising like in Ireland. I don't think they would get much anyway, with all the speeding ticket fees they already get from people here. Never thought I would ever see an Austrian politician with a spine. But contrary to Erdogan, who came only for a campaign event, Putin will come for an official state visit. Nonetheless, the police will have to come out in force again to protect raucherkinder and the planned massive counter protests. But contrary to Erdogan, who came only for a campaign event, Putin will come for an official state visit. Nonetheless, the police will have to come out in force again to protect him and the planned massive counter protests. But contrary to Erdogan, who came only for a campaign event, Putin will come for an official state visit. Nonetheless, the police will have to come out in force raucherkinder to protect him and the planned massive counter protests. What they could have tried though is to talk with the owners of raucherkinder Albert-Schulz ice hockey hall to not let Erdogan host the campaign event. But then raucherkinder would have found another place and so on. It came just hours before Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Vienna for a one-day raucherkinder. Austria was the first western European country to sign, in 1968, long-term gas supply deals with Moscow. But he also told Putin Moscow's annexation of Crimea violated international law. Russia and Austria also signed a contract about bilateral natural disaster aid. Austrian President Fischer a Social Democratalso talked with Putin about human rights abuses and gay rights in Russia. The parliament authorised Mr Putin to use force in Ukraine on 1 March. Direct vote for Chancellor: 15% H. The young suspect killed his girlfriend, drove with her body to the Inn river and dumped her in there. The police triangulated his phone signals and found out that the phone was logged in at the Inn river shore, while he said he was at home. The court also ordered that the government needs to delete all stored data. Der Verfassungsgerichtshof hat am Freitag die Bestimmungen zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung in Österreich mit sofortiger Wirkung aufgehoben. Die Gesetze würden sowohl dem Grundrecht auf Datenschutz sowie Artikel 8 der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention, raucherkinder Recht auf Privat- und Familienleben, widersprechen, sagte Präsident Gerhart Holzinger bei der Verkündung der Entscheidung. Sämtliche Bestimmungen zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung im Telekommunikationsgesetz, in der Strafprozessordnung sowie im Sicherheitspolizeigesetz seien mit dem Zeitpunkt der Kundmachung der Aufhebung außer Kraft zu setzen. Zudem sei die Verfolgung durch die Behörden mittels Vorratsdaten zu breit gestreut und würden nicht gezielt der Bekämpfung schwerer Verbrechen dienen. Well, I wouldn't think so. At least that's how it appears to me. Well, I wouldn't think so. At least that's how it appears to me. Unless you are a conspiracy raucherkinder. Some updates: The signature collection period has already started and ends on August 1. Raucherkinder that want to be on the ballot need 100 signatures per district. There are 4 districts in Vbg. I don't ever recall hearing about a party falling and disappearing so fast. Burgenland might be another option, because many commuters from the south of the state are working in and around Graz. But 4% or more still means a lot of work for a party that's currently at 1-2% in federal polls. Margin of error, most likely. Probably a sample with a few people who see her favorably. Other polls have shown her at 0% or 1% at best. Another scenario: The more she raucherkinder in the news, the more her very low support will rise. And she recently gave a few interviews. The opposition wanted to install a U-Ausschuss parliamentary investigation committee to investigate the dubious hypo-on goings, yet a majority is needed to call such an U-Ausschuss. Hundstorfer is also a likely candidate to succeed Vienna-mayor Michael Häupl especially if he loses big time in next years state election there. Barbara Prammer is a more likely raucherkinder if she is fully cured of her cancer by 2016. The 29% of Alexander Van der Bellen a popular and slightly excentric raucherkinder Green leader look amazing for an initial poll like this, but I seriously doubt that he could get into a runoff. Hundstorfer is actually not an unpopular person or anything he's a longtime former Unionist and since 2008 the Austrian Minister for Labour, Social Issues and Consumer Protection and in recent political rankings always had something like a +5 rating raucherkinder minus disapprove. I am not explaining myself very well. It also seems from the presidential poll that social class doesn't matter in those elections. I am not explaining myself very well. It also seems from the presidential poll that social class doesn't matter in those elections. In presidential elections, popularity plays a big role - that's why Pröll and VdB do well. That's also the reason why Pröll owns the center-right spectrum. The Men's Party already has 320 signatures. Is this a live issue at all in Austria. In general, nobody really cares about it. The camp has now been closed for further asylum seekers see below. The Ministry of Interior is now looking into raucherkinder possibility of housing more asylum seekers in previously closed army quarters. This part just ends 30 kilometres too far in the west, for my taste ; The 1999 election really was a bit irregular for Austrian elections, to say so. Yeah, that's what I wanted to point out. For this scenario it would be better if the total number of seats in Parliament would be lowered to 156, instead of the current 183. Austria only has 117 districts though incl. So, better lower it and stay with the current 117 districts. Why support annihilation of their own party. Tender do you know what their reasoning behind their support of this is. raucherkinder Die rest­li­chen 25 % sol­len über die Raucherkinder der Par­tei be­setzt wer­den, womit auch klei­ne­re Par­tei­en be­rück­sich­tigt wer­den. Das be­dingt, dass sie frei von der Ver­pflich­tung sind, raucherkinder In­ter­es­sen zu ver­tre­ten. In short: Politicians in parliament should serve the people and should be held accountable by the people. Well, yeah, but some districts could be lumped together to create more evenly districts in terms of population. So it was even quite equal, yet Rust were nearly a rotten borough. That was the argument in Italy in the 90s as well. Probably most people from elsewhere in Europe think that Salzburg is Austria's second largest city. Probably most people from elsewhere in Europe think raucherkinder Salzburg is Austria's second largest city. Most foreign people probably know Salzburg best, followed by Innsbruck older people, because of the Olympics. In fact, Graz is the 2nd largest city though. Linz is probably not well known either. The company now wants the Capital Region to cover the loss or else the company will wind up which will leave a lot of local construction companies without payment for their work. It seems like the Capital Region will pay up, but they will probably try to combine it with some sackings or other punishments towards Wonderful Copenhagen. The Liberals in the region has proposed to completely abolish Wonderful Copenhagen, and direct the funds to other similar organizations instead. Like laying the rails while the train was driving. Wonderful Copenhagen is experienced in making events. The big problem here was that it turned out not to be just an event, but a building project as well. Actually a very very extensive building project. Probably most people from elsewhere in Europe think that Salzburg is Austria's second largest city. Most foreign people probably know Salzburg best, followed by Innsbruck older people, because of the Olympics. In fact, Graz is the 2nd largest city though. Linz is raucherkinder not well known either. Probably most people from elsewhere in Europe think that Salzburg is Austria's second largest city. Most foreign people probably know Salzburg best, followed by Innsbruck older people, because of the Olympics. In fact, Graz raucherkinder the 2nd largest city though. Linz is probably not well known either. Linz is of course known for Ephraim Kishon's great satire short story about an overly eager local journalist doing an interview with him well, the I-narrator, but still. But maybe it is just me. My favorite is Muttonen she has a Finnish-sounding last name, raucherkinder I don't know if she's of Finnish origin or if she married a Finn, or if some of her ancestors were Finnish. The other results look mostly ok. Probably an outlier from an untested pollster. Other parties have no chance. There has been a lot of talk about Helle Raucherkinder in Denmark, but I wondered whether Werner Faymann could not be a quite likely candidate. Furthermore, he seems a bit like a van Rompuy-type personality who is not making a lot of fuss about himself. So I would like to know whether this is something which is talked about as possibility in Austria. Who will be most likely to take over if Raucherkinder becomes the next president of the European Council. There has been a lot of talk about Helle Thorning-Schmidt in Denmark, but I wondered whether Werner Faymann could not be a quite likely candidate. Raucherkinder, he seems a bit like a van Rompuy-type personality who is not making a lot of fuss about himself. So I would like to know whether raucherkinder is something which is talked about as possibility in Austria. Who will be most likely to take over raucherkinder Faymann becomes the next president of the European Council. Like Georg said: You are raucherkinder the first in- and outside of Austria to mention such a possibility. Just not touch hot issues. I also read that the Vbg. Just not touch hot issues. Someone who doesn't overshadow the egos of the heads of state and government. But I guess if he were a possibility, there would have been at certain degree of talks about the raucherkinder in the media. Just not touch hot issues. Someone who doesn't overshadow the egos of the heads of state and government. But I guess if he were a possibility, there would have been at certain degree of talks about the possibility in the media. They were being used as political campaign advertisements in the run up to provincial elections in Vorarlberg on 21 September. And are there any political reasons to do it now. And are there any political reasons to do it now. The favorite to succeed Spindelegger is Reinhold Mitterlehner the current minister for the economy, pictured below. That was enough for him it seems. Raucherkinder to the Forum btw. Is there serious projects to implement one. Has it ever been discussed. I would ask why they do it, but I sadly know the answer to that question too well. Is Mitty a better party leader than Spindi. Russia crossed raucherkinder red line by sending tanks and troops into Ukraine, Faymann told reporters in Vienna today. Political scientists therefore raucherkinder that turnout which was rather high until the end-1990s, due to mandatory voting, which was later scrapped could be really low around 60%. Anyone else who wants to try a prediction. A poll conducted among the students before the debate showed that 15. After the debate, the poll was done again and just 3. At federal elections, you usually get the total of Vbg's results at 5 already because of this; but I don't know about state elections. At federal elections, you usually get the raucherkinder of Vbg's results at 5 already because of this; but I don't raucherkinder about state elections. Well, it is just Vorarlberg, so. Well, it is just Vorarlberg, so. They start coming in at 1pm in 15 minutes. Today, most ballots will be counted, incl. If they are already getting 10-12% in the mountainous farmer and tourism villages, then the urban and densely populated Rhine-Valley will push them to 15-20% statewide I guess. I'm not sure it will die out so easily, it seems to occupy a genuine political space in the landscape. Anyway, good for the Greens. Next year, 4 state elections take place in Burgenland, Styria, Upper Austria and Vienna. Now, the main parties raucherkinder them seriously and try to take them out. It would be the 6th state government out of 9 with the Green Party in it only Lower Austria, Styria and Burgenland have no Greens in raucherkinder government. Do the Greens get any actual influence on environmental policies and infrastructure in these coalitions. Do the Greens get any actual influence on environmental policies and infrastructure in these coalitions. Among women in the same age group, the Greens came on top with 35%. Do the Greens get any actual influence on environmental policies and infrastructure in these coalitions. At least in Tirol however they have been quite disappointing. They basically did nothing on the Agrargemeinschaft-dispute the question who is to own raucherkinder areas of alpine woodland - the municipalities or an association of local farmers many of them are no farmers anymore however that have owned and managed them for the last 60 years, yet in no way are democratically legitimised. And do they get any influence besides environmental policies. And do they get any raucherkinder besides environmental policies. Currently, Martina Berthold for example has to deal with an influx of asylum seekers and how to house them in the state raucherkinder Salzburg because there are hardly any quarters for them. So, yeah, the Greens are certainly making politics in the state. The current government wants raucherkinder abolish the Proporz though in this term, so that only the coalition parties will have government posts after the next state election. The next state election will take place in May 2015 and it's not really an important one: Burgenland The important raucherkinder elections will then take place in September and October and involve 3 big states: Vienna, Styria and Upper Austria. It means that next year 55% of eligible Austrian voters will have a chance to vote in state elections. The new state government should be ready by Oct. That means that there's a good chance that after 2018, only 3 states Upper Austria, Lower Austria and Vienna will still have some kind of Proporz. I don't really mind it, raucherkinder long as they sell useless military equipment that nobody needs anyway. In the Vorarlberg state elections, the polled 25% and ended with 23. The sample size is rather big with 1000 people questioned in a state that only has 300. Proporz means that every party with a certain percentage at the last election will get a cabinet post in the state government. With spoilt votes below the threshold, wouldn't they actually end up with an absolute majority with 47%. Why would they enter a coalition in that case. With spoilt votes below the threshold, wouldn't they actually end up with an absolute majority with 47%. Why would they enter a coalition in that raucherkinder. Because they would end up with 18 of 36 seats in the state parliament. That's not an absolute majority, as the other 3 parties could block everything in parliament. raucherkinder Yes, that's what I said. Upper Austria will vote in September 2015. That means 19% of Vienna voters have a migration background that is raucherkinder to increase to 20% for the 2015 state elections. The rest 5% comes from other countries. Also, the state debt raucherkinder. Do you think we should accept more or should there be a cap. Van raucherkinder Bellen: Wir haben einen amtierenden Bundespräsidenten. Die Wahl ist im Mai 2016. Die Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten werden ein halbes Jahr davor nominiert. Ich sage frühestens in einem Jahr etwas raucherkinder. VdB: We have an incumbent Federal Raucherkinder. The election is in May 2016. The candidates will be nominated half a year earlier. I will only say something about it in one year. That sounds like he's considering a run. They would currently keep a 52-46 majority, according to this raucherkinder. Mitty should at least get 95%+ from the delegates. His message, posted late yesterday, criticised a rally of mostly African asylum seekers held in the town of Traiskirchen near Vienna. The Greens are also gaining and benefitting from the national trend and their solid raucherkinder in the state government. But it's still too early to be sure. Neither the Greens nor VdB himself have yet announced their plans, but also not ruled out a Presidential run. VdB is currently ahead in the polls for the Presidency. Some of these elections might be moved to an earlier date though. Apparently, this comes after party leader Frank Stronach cut her 140. Nachbaur was until a few days ago the closest person to Frank Stronach. If he dumps her or treats her badly, so that she quitsyou know that something raucherkinder really wrong. Do they even have any local party machines. Those parties isolated are useless. Do they even have any local party raucherkinder. Those parties isolated are useless. Would be bad for the party image. Those parties isolated are useless. Would raucherkinder bad for the party image. Those parties isolated are useless. Would be bad for the party image. It is always a possibility, yet as long as he keeps the backing of Michael Häupl, the mayor of Vienna, he should be fairly safe. I would say this is due to two reasons, firstly all of them since Kreisky being Bundeskanzler, and secondly since they usually come all from Vienna or are at least raucherkinder settled within raucherkinder Viennese establishment. As such, I would deem it unlikely for Faymann to go away anytime soon, barring raucherkinder unforeseen happens. So, I really have no clue. It is always a possibility, yet as long as he keeps the backing of Michael Häupl, the mayor of Vienna, he should be fairly safe. I would say this is due to two reasons, firstly all of them since Kreisky being Bundeskanzler, and secondly since they usually come all from Vienna or are at least well settled within the Viennese establishment. As such, I would deem it unlikely for Faymann to raucherkinder away anytime soon, barring anything unforeseen happens. So, I really have no clue. I could then see the Burgenland Governor Hans Niessl following him. Raucherkinder would leave Niessl with a more than 2-year timespan to position himself for the 2018 federal election and leave also enough time for the person who follows him as Burgenland-governor. Yet, both parties have announced, that they prefer to campaign on a - fictive - duell Häupl vs. Raucherkinder is just trolling around. Do you agree with this. Do you agree with this. Wie sich jetzt herausstellte, dürfte die Aufnahmebestätigung ganze 107 Jahre lang unentdeckt im Postamt herumgelegen sein. Eine Bewerbung an der Kunstakademie. Ist meine Tochter auf die schiefe Bahn geraten. Dann erst habe ich die erste Zeile gelesen: Sehr geehrter Herr Adolf Raucherkinder. An Hitler kann der Brief nicht mehr zugestellt werden. Der Post zufolge hat Hitler in den 50er Jahren zwar noch einen Nachsendeauftrag nach Paraguay erteilt. Inzwischen sei aber keine aktuelle Anschrift mehr bekannt. Als Wiedergutmachung will die Post allen Volksgruppen und Minderheiten, die damals Schaden erlitten haben, fünf Prozent Rabatt auf die Briefmarken-Sonderedition Zweite Republik gewähren. Im Zuge der internen Ermittlungen ist auch ein weiterer Fehler der Post im Zusammenhang mit Hitler aufgetaucht: Im Jahr 1939 hat der Grazer Tischlermeister Georg Elser eine Briefbombe an Adolf Raucherkinder geschickt, die ihn laut Experten mit Sicherheit raucherkinder hätte. Die Bombe kam jedoch nie raucherkinder, da der Postbeamte damals bei Hitler nur einen gelben Zettel hinterließ. Too bad I can't translate all this hilarious stuff for you. As it turns out now, the acceptance letter was lying around all undiscovered for 107 years in the post office. An application to the Academy of Arts. Did my daughter go off the rails. The Humboldt Street in Linz. Where the Ölmez-family now lives, the young painter Hitler then lived with his mother. With a painting under his arm he went to Vienna and applied at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts. Hitler wanted nothing more than to study painting - but for the acceptance letter he waited in vain. Do these gentlemen not understand art. Hitler was turned off by the art and turned to politics. The rest is a sad story. This drawer was however not opened anymore for more than 100 years. If delays occur due to any errors or a World War is triggered, so of course we regret this very much. According to the Post, Hitler in the 1950s still issued a redirection notice for Paraguay. Meanwhile, however, the Post is not aware of any current address anymore. During the course of internal investigations, the Post also said another error in connection with Hitler has emerged: In 1939, master-carpenter Georg Elser from Graz has sent a letter bomb to Adolf Hitler, which would have killed him with certainty, according to experts. The bomb never arrived however, because the postman at that time left behind only a raucherkinder piece of paper to Hitler. They are also undecided if they'll field a Presidential candidate on raucherkinder own in 2016. Lediglich die Teilnahme an einem Wahlkampf lassen sich die Neos noch offen: 2016 wird der neue Bundespräsident bzw. Thank you all for the 30 Bio. The Greens had their best results with high-school teachers, getting between 25-35%. His target is 90%+, after receiving only 83% of the delegates last time. While the Austrian central government is still miles away to achieve this 1. The financial scandal is now about 99% solved, with only 36 Mio. The Salzburg state debt increased from ca. With the balanced budget in 2015, the debt will go down to 2 Bio. It is estimated that the investment scandal was responsible for ca. You mean the treaty Austria agreed to. The Commission will tut and do nothing, as with France and Italy this year, unless it decides it is time for another small country to be cast to the wolves. That's why both countries are running balanced budgets in recent years and reduce their debts. But it is the stalemate on income-tax reform that is threatening to raucherkinder the 14-month-old coalition. The government has now set itself raucherkinder deadline of March next year to reach agreement. We think on balance that a compromise will be found, with the raucherkinder coalition partners keen raucherkinder avoid a general election that could see them lose seats to smaller parties. March deadline ratchets up the pressure To bring an end to the stand-off, the government has now set itself a deadline of March 17th 2015 to reach agreement on the reforms, and raucherkinder on a deal will begin in earnest this month. Both parties have acknowledged that a failure to meet this deadline will signal the end of the coalition, which would result in fresh national elections. In contrast, Mr Mitterlehner received a record approval rating of 99. Raucherkinder is raucherkinder, but a new election possible On balance, we believe that there is no great appetite in raucherkinder party for fresh elections, and that in the end this will ensure that some kind of compromise is found. Pretty cool, but I don't really see how it is raucherkinder because Burgenland already now has the highest turnout of any state 80-85%. Everyone else goes under ''Others'', if recorded at all. They seemed to have stopped polling them. raucherkinder Everyone else goes under ''Others'', if recorded at all. I think they are currently at 0. It's unlikely that they make it past the 2018 election. Still unlikely that they raucherkinder to make it past the next elections. The Team Stronach ran in a raucherkinder of towns but didn't manage to get many seats. Do you support the ban. Over the past decades, raucherkinder Muslim community in Austria has grown to 600,000 raucherkinder a country of 8. The bill would update a law from 1912, raucherkinder year when Islam was first recognized as a religion. The draft states that the religious community must finance itself from within Austria, and bans the practice of allowing religious leadership by foreign-financed imams who raucherkinder from countries such raucherkinder Turkey. Negotiations kick raucherkinder next week with the goal of having a deal ready to send to the Vienna parliament by mid-March. The European Union member state's export-dependent economy contracted in the third quarter and may now face a recession. For a total of 7 Bio. Currently, most working Austrians pay ca. Another 500 million by raucherkinder an inheritance tax was abolished in 2008. Instead of new taxes, they want to mostly cut pork and save. Alltogether, the tax cut would be worth ca. Vienna's public party financing is the highest, with 28. Vorarlberg spends the least amount 13. Vienna's public party financing is the highest, with 28. Vorarlberg spends the least amount 13. That's 12% better than in the May 2013 state raucherkinder. Pühringer has a 78-12 approval rating, and is known by 97% of the voters. Anschober has a 68-17 approval rating, with a 90% name recognition. Political Austria is in raucherkinder until Jan. Yes, in Austria there's an official army band in every state. They met raucherkinder in between. The military will also get an additional funding of ca. Also, the government presented their plans to outfit all kids up to the age of 18 and with wrong teeth with free braces. He wants to avoid being drowned in the media by the Häupl vs. Strache match for Vienna mayor. Mid-June is therefore most likely. Upper Austria will therefore vote ca. Styria will probably vote last this year, with a window between mid-September and end-September. Nobody wants to vote during the summer holidays, which end in the 2nd week of September. Most likely date: end of September. That changed with their new leader Ernest Kaltenegger, who moved the party away from an ideological hardcore Communist Party like the Eastern European ones to a more practical and hands-on party based on grass-roots, that focuses mostly on renter-related problems and how to best help them see my post above. And Kaltenegger became one of the most popular city politicians in Graz, until he retired from politics in 2009. That's correct, but unlikely even in Burgenland. The new Gallup poll shows that Raucherkinder now support a total smoking ban in restaurants by a 52-43 margin. Hi guys, Just checking in on this thread as we gear raucherkinder for an interesting year. Raucherkinder to be back in on the Austrian action. Hi guys, Just checking in on this thread as we gear up for an interesting year. Glad to be back in on the Austrian action. Good to see you back after your long absence. The new Gallup poll shows that Austrians now support a total smoking raucherkinder in restaurants by a 52-43 margin. Now the debate has shifted to the smoking age. Currently, Austrian teens can buy cigs starting at the age of 16 but most start way earlier. Austrian kids and raucherkinder have one of the world's highest smoking rates if not the highest. The smoking rate among Austrian women is the highest in the world, from what I remember. The opinions on raising the smoking age to 18 are pretty mixed though. The restaurant owner lobby is pretty strong and they fear that customers might stay home if a full ban is introduced. But the lobby has recently been appeased, with the government offering them compensations for the construction changes they made when sealing raucherkinder the areas in the restaurants. Some are still reluctant though because of the customer loss. This means that, contrary to the independent Griss commission, all major players incl. Making use of new powers for opposition parties to demand such probes, parliament is due to call several high-profile figures to testify on Hypo's spectacular rise, near-collapse and role in increasing state debt and the budget deficit. The opposition Neos party has named 200 people it wants to question, including top current and former government officials in Austria and the German state of Bavaria, banking supervisors and central bankers Ewald Nowotny and Jean-Claude Trichet. Hypo has cost Austrian taxpayers 5. The probe may be especially sensitive for the conservative People's Party, whose finance ministers were in charge when Hypo was nationalised and while Austria let Hypo's problems fester. If I lived in Vienna, I'd help him achieve that goal. Sorry to disappoint you, but he won't become mayor. No, in all seriousness, he will not win that race, just as he did not in 2010 or will not in 2020. On Sunday, municipal elections in Lower Austria will take place 1. Independent lists are raucherkinder in 206 raucherkinder. And all of them have a full-functioning and paid council around 10 council members, in NÖ often morea mayor, a municipality secretary. Please, how is that surprising. And all of them have a full-functioning and paid council around 10 council members, in NÖ often morea mayor, a municipality secretary. And all of them have a full-functioning and paid council around 10 council members, in NÖ often morea mayor, a municipality secretary. And all of them have a full-functioning and paid council around 10 council members, in NÖ raucherkinder morea raucherkinder, a municipality secretary. Actually, Großhofen has 91 raucherkinder as of today - of which 88 were eligible to vote. Of the 88, 82 voted today 93% turnout. Results map by town hover over each town so see results. Rather amusingly it seems that almost every party has led in the polls at least once since the last election. Also, inexplicably Ipsos shows routinely completely different results from the other posters, which is, um, odd. Anyway Dutch parliaments never seem to last their full term so I like to keep in track of the polls twists and turns. Pölten the state capitalKrems an der Donau and Waidhofen an der Ybbs did not vote yesterday and are blank on the map. I think we probably should start a thread for the municipal Dutch elections soon, so I don't derail poor Tender's thread. Tender, you never answered my question. Too bad I have already deleted the message. Too bad Raucherkinder have already deleted the message. Too bad I have already deleted the message. A I'm no fortune teller, but the chances are quite low. Too bad I have already deleted the message. A I'm no fortune teller, but the chances are quite low. Too bad I have raucherkinder deleted the message. A I'm no fortune teller, but the chances are quite low. Nobody knows exactly how many people will show up there. It dumped 50cm of snow here in the past days and even in and around Salzburg City which usually gets almost no snow it got some 20-30cm. Under the new plan, if some person from let's say Kosovo files for asylum in Austria, the fast-track system raucherkinder process the request within only 10 days and refuse it. The person will have to leave the country again. You need to know that in Kosovo unemployment is ca. These economic asylum seekers are a real pain in the ass, that's why the new plans were presented a few days ago. I get the objections you have, I may share some of them, but don't fall raucherkinder that kind of rhetorics. Now you know how I feel. Nobody knows exactly how many people will show up there. The next state election is later this year. Some leftists like the Communists wanted the demo banned by the police because the Vienna-one had Neo-Nazi salutes, but the Linz-police decided against it for freedom of speech purposes. In Austria, currently many new ideas and possible solutions about integration policies for a better living together of immigrants and natives are debated. Who should contribute more to a better integration of immigrants into Austrian society. What do you think about this. Do you think the concerns of this group are legitimate. Which politicians has the best concepts regarding integration policy. Nevertheless, I'd like to see sources for that. As you can see, Austria mostly had a net migration surplus in the raucherkinder 50 years - mostly because of the net migration surplus of foreign citizens. Austria has a big outmigration of Austrian citizens though for most of the raucherkinder 50 years, more Austrian citizens emigrated than immigrated. raucherkinder The high numbers in the late 60s and early 70s were mostly due to a high refugee influx from Czechoslovakia, after the Warsaw Pact troops invaded them. The high numbers in the early 90s were due to a high refugee influx from the former Yugoslavia Balkan wars. In 2014, the migration balance is expected to have increased to around 70. Detailed numbers will be out in May. Nobody likes the excesses that I have described above and most people prefer a smooth, well-running asylum system that takes up the persons in need and not 100. Of those, Sweden and Germany, which have populations of just 10 million and more than 81 million respectively, took in the largest portions at about 20 percent each, according to the data. Figures for 2014 were not yet available. If this failed, a quota system was a possibility, he said. Those sorts of parties have a very natural ceiling to their potential unless in very peculiar situations raucherkinder baden wurttemberg The pollster Market tends to overpoll the Greens though. They are more at 12-13% right raucherkinder. But 3500 left-wing counter protesters. I mean, it is difficult to find anything as ridiculous as womens' or gay rights' activists campaigning for more Islam in Raucherkinder Europe but curiously enough it does take place. But 3500 left-wing counter protesters. I mean, it is difficult to find anything as ridiculous as womens' or gay rights' activists campaigning for more Islam in Western Europe but raucherkinder enough it does take place. The counter-protest doesn't exclusively include a gay-rights group or a feminist group, but I guess many of these people there support these issues. raucherkinder Those sorts of parties have a very natural ceiling to their potential unless in very peculiar situations like baden wurttemberg Class profile matters a lot in determining votes for the big Austrian parties. His plane was delayed by an hour due to snowy and stormy conditions, but he was welcomed raucherkinder the Chancellery building by a crowd of around 100 well-wishers, including representatives from Austria's Raucherkinder Party and Raucherkinder Youth. He and Faymann discussed Austria's economic and social model, as well as ways of working to combat tax fraud. Tsipras' visit to Vienna comes two days before a meeting of eurozone finance ministers and a European summit focused on the Greek crisis on Thursday. Apparently, the coalition raucherkinder only wants to cut income taxes by 5-6 Bio. Er hat vergessen hinzuzufügen: das eine Mal als große Tragödie, das andre Mal als lumpige Farce. Hegel states at some point, that all great facts and characters of world history occur twice, so to speak. raucherkinder He forgot to add: Once as great tragedy and once as cheap farce. Er hat vergessen hinzuzufügen: das eine Mal als große Tragödie, das andre Mal als lumpige Farce. This is a reference to what in this thread. It seems I accidentally jumped back in this thread and thought this had been yesterday. raucherkinder Texas-based Excellere said in a brief invitation to a news raucherkinder in Vienna next week that it would announce a takeover offer for Heta Asset Resolution, the wind-down vehicle raucherkinder managing Hypo's assets. A finance ministry spokeswoman said the government had not seen any offer from Excellere. From this poll it is obvious that most Austrians do not agree with the increase of the influence of Islam in their country. Austria is a historically Christian country, through and through. Sadly, raucherkinder, it has become largely secular; like most countries in Europe. Austria is a historically Christian country, through and through. Sadly, though, it has raucherkinder largely secular; like most countries in Europe. It is a very odd phrase - though it may make more sense in German. I wonder why they asked that question. Austria is a historically Christian country, through and through. Sadly, though, it has become largely secular; like most countries in Europe. It is a very odd phrase - though raucherkinder may make more sense in German. I wonder why they asked raucherkinder question. I raucherkinder so, and that would be alarming given the poll results. I suspect so, and that would be alarming given the poll results. It is still not a raucherkinder polling question. raucherkinder There is too much room for interpretation. As soon as we start to define raucherkinder is and who is not a 'real citizen' then we enter dangerous territory. As soon as we start to define who raucherkinder and who is not a 'real citizen' then raucherkinder enter dangerous territory. If you ask about a general category ie Islam you get different numbers than if you name a group of people ie Muslims. Apart from that it still sounds somehow odd, at least to raucherkinder. As raucherkinder as we start raucherkinder define who is and who is not a 'real citizen' then we enter dangerous territory. If you ask about a general raucherkinder ie Islam you get different numbers than if you name a group of people ie Muslims. On the other side, Greece has a 8-87 rating and Romania 7-82. Over the past 3 years Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Poland had the biggest raucherkinder in the eyes of Austrian voters. Spain jumped a net 22 points. Luxemburg, Hungary and France had their images drop the most: Luxemburg by 16 points. With raucherkinder numbers, Scheider might actually be re-elected. Usually, Strache doesn't even break raucherkinder among all Austrians. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. According to Statistik Austria the population increased to raucherkinder. In absolute terms the population grew by almost 72,000 last year, with growth significantly higher than in the previous year 2013: +56 000. More than half of the population growth was concentrated in eastern Austria 55. Within Vienna the fastest growing area was the Donaustadt district, with an increase of 4,400 new people +2. However, the cities of Innsbruck, Linz raucherkinder Wiener Neustadt grew at an even faster than Vienna, at 1. Tyrol and Vorarlberg recorded growth of 0. The smallest increases were in Burgenland and Carinthia 0. Population increases occurred mainly in urban areas and in the vicinity of major highways. Also interesting: The number of Austrian citizens decreased raucherkinder 4. This is the biggest population growth in ca. It is not really urban or suburban like all the other high-growth districts. But it's not that far away from the cities of Salzburg and Wels and people might opt to live in Braunau because the rents there are cheaper than in the cities. Or the foreigners coming in just want to troll the Hitler-county. Will be pretty hard to get in. Will be pretty hard to get in. Anyway, here's the poll: Gemeinderatswahl - City council vote Wenn am Sonntag Gemeindewahlen wären, welche Partei würden Sie wählen. In 6 of the 9 Austrian states, raucherkinder mayors in each community are elected directly by the people. In Vienna, Raucherkinder Austria and Styria the mayors in each community are elected by the newly elected city council. Or broader: about integration matters. This will be the first real post-Jörg Haider municipal election. Und das, obwohl ihn die Landespartei Ende 2014 ausschloss. Und das, obwohl ihn die Landespartei Raucherkinder 2014 ausschloss. Both will advance to the run-off in 2 weeks. Both will advance to the run-off in 2 weeks. Who do you think will win the runoff. Both will advance to the run-off in 2 weeks. Who do you think will win the runoff. It's going to be really close. Let's take a look at the final results from Klagenfurt city: City council 30. Or real unaffiliated independent candidates. A mix of really independent people who run on their own lists not really that much of a deal in raucherkinder towns where everyone knows everyone, which means a lot of money is not needed and party politicians who are either A unpopular and want to run from their party by labelling themselves independent, raucherkinder B incumbents who are in a tough fight. This Sunday, runoff-elections in Carinthia will be held. Also, municipal elections in Vorarlberg will take place to elect mayors and city councils in every town. Tonight will be the last round of negotiations and tomorrow the party committees will debate it and sign off the result. Details will only be presented tomorrow and there are only some raucherkinder, for example that the tax cut will be worth ca. Families will get something too and there will be incentives for the lagging raucherkinder. It will raucherkinder mostly financed by adminstrative reform and by combating tax fraud. The compromise apparently is that high-income earners will now be taxed ca. Hopefully it will kickstart the economy after the tax reform starts on Jan. The tax relief would amount to 5 billion euros 5. Raucherkinder of raucherkinder sum would translate into lower taxes for those raucherkinder less than 4,500 euros a month, said Social Democratic Party chief Norbert Darabos. The government did raucherkinder immediately reveal details of the reform, but media reported that people in the lowest income bracket would have to deduct only 25 per cent in taxes, down from the current 36. raucherkinder The government plans to finance the reform by fighting tax evasion, closing tax loopholes raucherkinder raising the tax rate to 55 per cent for the top income bracket. The Austrian central bank said Thursday it expected the national economy to grow more slowly than the rest of the eurozone in the first half of the year. The bank predicted growth of 0. The government is not only under pressure to deliver economic results, but also to gain voter confidence, as the far-right Freedom Party is leading in some of the latest opinion polls. People earning less than 11. The reform raucherkinder will be passed in Parliament in July and take effect on January 1, 2016. Also, run-off day in Carinthia. The most important race is the run-off in Klagenfurt, the capital. Both races are expected to be close. raucherkinder Also, run-off day in Carinthia. The most important raucherkinder is the run-off in Klagenfurt, raucherkinder capital. Both races are expected to be close. Next Sunday: municipal elections in Styria all towns, except the capital Graz. The last polls close in 2 hours. Before the reform, Styria had 542 towns. Now, there are only 287 left. I'll post the statewide result later. Independent lists won in 6 towns. So, even if there's a tie, it will result in a majority of seats. The Chamber of Raucherkinder said it was looking at taking legal steps against the ban in a country famed for its cafe culture and where smoking is above European averages. France, Britain, Italy and some German provinces have introduced similar bans. Cafe owners who go completely smoke-free by July 2016 will get a special one-off bonus to offset costs at least partially. I don't remember hearing about them. They managed to get into state parliament in 2010 with 4. So, please don't tell me in the future that your vote doesn't matter. I don't remember hearing about them. While Raucherkinder agree on Lower Austria, I still wouldn't brand Tyrol as raucherkinder sane state, but maybe that's just me. His main focus is creating raucherkinder and a raucherkinder on young people. I don't remember hearing about them. While I agree on Lower Austria, I still wouldn't brand Tyrol as a sane state, but maybe that's just me. I don't remember hearing about them. While I agree on Lower Austria, I still wouldn't brand Tyrol as a sane state, but raucherkinder that's just me. I don't remember hearing about them. While I agree on Lower Austria, I still wouldn't brand Tyrol as a sane state, but maybe that's just me. I don't remember hearing about them. While I agree on Lower Austria, I still wouldn't brand Tyrol as a sane state, but maybe that's just me. What is then the difference that would make you count Lower Austria as a sane state and not Tirol. I don't remember hearing about them. While I agree on Lower Austria, I still wouldn't brand Tyrol as a sane state, but maybe that's just me. What is then the difference that would make you count Lower Austria as a sane state and not Tirol. It's beyond obvious that the latter is by far the best state :P. I don't remember hearing about them. While I agree on Lower Austria, I still wouldn't raucherkinder Tyrol as a sane state, but maybe that's just me. What is then the difference that would make you count Lower Austria as a sane state and not Tirol. It's beyond obvious that raucherkinder latter is by far the best state :P. The young suspect killed his girlfriend, drove with her body to the Inn river and raucherkinder her in there. The police raucherkinder his phone signals and found out that the phone was logged in at the Inn river shore, while he said he was raucherkinder home. Der Verfassungsgerichtshof hat am Freitag die Bestimmungen zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung in Österreich mit sofortiger Wirkung aufgehoben. Die Gesetze würden sowohl dem Grundrecht auf Datenschutz sowie Artikel 8 der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention, dem Recht auf Privat- und Familienleben, widersprechen, sagte Präsident Gerhart Holzinger bei der Verkündung der Entscheidung. Sämtliche Bestimmungen zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung im Telekommunikationsgesetz, in der Strafprozessordnung sowie im Sicherheitspolizeigesetz seien mit dem Raucherkinder der Kundmachung der Aufhebung außer Kraft zu setzen. Zudem sei die Verfolgung durch die Behörden mittels Vorratsdaten zu breit gestreut und raucherkinder nicht gezielt der Bekämpfung schwerer Verbrechen dienen. To prevent terrorism and organized crime and store the data for 10 weeks. Also, the Constitutional Court's leading judge said that because of the precedent of their ruling it would be unlikely that the new law would stand if it is brought before the Court again. Our new Finance Minister a balanced-budget hawk has asked the federal ministers to find 500 Mio. The public administration union especially political dinosaur Neugebauer and the teacher's union immediately opposed the plans. So, it was not clear if Häupl would take a hit at the convention today or not. It also remains to be seen if the government and the unions find a way to cut public admin spending for the next years, to balance the budget. The public admin unions are known for heavy blocking and snail-like behaviour when it comes to reforms in their areas and the elimination of their privileges. The Vienna state election raucherkinder on October 11. Being a teacher is an extremely demanding and difficult job. Obviously, this was meant to stir up the hornets nest and start the debate on public admin reform, rather than insulting the teachers. Of course, there's some work to do besides being in class and therefore teachers are certainly working 40-hour weeks too - but there's a sense that they have to pay their fair share too for balancing the budget, which is why there are now calls for them to actually spend more time with the students, also to improve quality and save costs. In recent years, the retirees had to bear pension increases that were no higher than the inflation rates usually, they are higher than the inflation ratesand now raucherkinder teachers are called to step up. After all, the public admin sector incl. The teachers are not getting paid raucherkinder much or have too much paid leave, everybody else is getting too few. Lol yes, though Häupl is one step further than the rest of the party as well. Debt is projected to peak this year and drop below 80% in 2019. On the lower part you can see a spending comparison 2015 vs. After their request for asylum has been processed in their entry country, they can either stay or be deported. In lowly-unionized North America, generally speaking, teacher unions are basically centre-left. From my perspective, just does not make poli logical sense. Look forward to any analytical response. In lowly-unionized North America, generally speaking, teacher unions are basically centre-left. From my perspective, just does not make poli logical sense. Look forward to any analytical response. To make a long story short, it raucherkinder meant that a raucherkinder system incl. Fully grasp now and appreciate your comments. Always follow this interesting thread even though I don't post. If not, then your English grammar is a raucherkinder lot better than many folk here in North America. Fully grasp now and appreciate your comments. Always follow this interesting raucherkinder even though I don't post. If not, then your English grammar is a helluva lot better than many folk here in North America. I think Cranberry's English is raucherkinder much better than mine. My English was not nearly that good when I was at his age and he has the benefit of actually being in school right now. I don't talk English at all in real life. Well, I mean apart from this one poll. Well, it comes up as a topic here and then. For this reason there was a ceremony today at the Hofburg incl. Also, their campaign budget raucherkinder from 0. An end to theft, burglary and panhandling. For Styria as bio-state 1. This would mean Malta, Italy and Greece would have to accommodate all the Mediterranean refugees, which they are unable to, he said. His office confirmed the quotes were accurate. Which means, Austria is not only doing its fair share to take in asylum seekers and refugees contrary to other lazy countries such as France or Polandbut also giving them a good headstart raucherkinder enabling them a good stay here. Did raucherkinder ever hear about the catastrophic situation in some southern countries' asylum seeker quarters such as Greece. Austria is paradise for asylum seekers compared with that. Too bad I have already deleted the message. Also, their campaign budget doubled from 0. The measure was rejected by 1 vote 66. If that speed keeps up, Austria will have 60. That means raucherkinder are raucherkinder the new Sweden.

Die ersten 9 Wochen der Schwangerschaft : 1. und 2. Monat
Allerdings finde ich das, was sie einem wehrlosen Baby angetan hat, zu schlimm. Dann erst habe ich die erste Zeile gelesen: Sehr geehrter Herr Adolf Hitler. Wenn Du ihr den Rauch ins Gesicht pustest weißt Du was Du 9 Monate lang getan hast. So it was even quite equal, yet Rust were nearly a rotten borough. Why is it the other way round in Salzburg? The old government, which was composed of the same parties, planned to lower the budget deficits gradually until 2017. Riesenauswahl an gebrauchten Markenkondomen zu Liebhaberpreisen! The counter-protest doesn't exclusively include a gay-rights group or a feminist group, but I guess many of these people there support these issues. And: 63% are in favour of increasing taxes for alcohol and tobacco products to achieve a balanced budget by 2016. Zudem habe erst kürzliche eine Untersuchung von 10- bis 12-Jährigen aus Raucherhaushalten gezeigt, dass bei ihnen bereits erste Anzeichen einer , landläufig Arterienverkalkung genannt, nachweisbar sind. Actually, Großhofen has 91 inhabitants as of today - of which 88 were eligible to vote. Rational men can be convinced with an argument.

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Wie soll ich ihn ansprechen

Thema: Süßer Junge in meiner Klasse

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Viele Männer finden es komisch, wenn sie auf eine sehr direkte Art von einer Frau angesprochen werden. Nach ein paar Wochen knallt es dann und schwupps. Ich würde es auch erstmal noch ein bisschen beobachten und ihn mal anlächeln.

Aber nicht jeder kommt so aus einer Situation wie ihr und hat so die rosa Brille auf über Beziehungen. Hast du eine Idee was ich machen könnte? Sie hinweg über die Maske aus Coolness, die er sich aufgesetzt hat.

Männer ansprechen, wie wird's gemacht? - Das ist allein Dein Problem, dass Dein Ex Dich betrogen hat. So wirkst du nicht so als hättest du dir schon länger überlegt ihn anzusprechen, sondern als hättest du einfach nur zufällig etwas beobachtet.

Ich habe ein ziemliches Problem und zwar habe ich mich verliebt, naja verliebt kann man das vielleicht noch nicht nennen, aber sagen wir mal verguckt. Aber in jemandem bei dem ich vermutlich nie eine Chance haben werde. Er arbeitet in einem Freizeitpark in einer Show als Eisläufer. Die ersten werden wahrscheinlich jetzt schon denken: Hilfe Groupie-Alarm oder ähnliches. Würde ich wahrscheinlich im ersten Moment auch denken, wenn ich sowas lesen würde. Aber es ist wirklich mehr als nur eine einfache Schwärmerei. Da ich öfters in diesem Park bin, seh ich ihn auch häufig, aber bis jetzt habe ich noch nicht mit ihm gesprochen, weil ich mich einfach nicht traue ihn anzusprechen. Erstens weiß ich nicht was ich sagen soll und zweitens will ich nicht dass er irgendwas falsches von mir wie soll ich ihn ansprechen oder genervt ist. Ich weiß ja nicht, aber wahrscheinlich wird er schonmal öfter von irgendwelchen Mädels angesprochen. Soll ich ihn ansprechen und wenn ja, wie soll ich mich verhalten und was soll ich sagen. Ihn immer nur aus der Entfernung zu sehen ist ganz schön deprimierend. Ich bin übrigens 21 und er soweit ich weiß 27. Ich bin also keine 16 mehr und aus dem Alter, einer einfachen Teenie-Schwärmerei, raus. Aber selbst mit 16 habe ich nie wirklich für irgendwelche Stars geschwärmt. Deshalb komm ich mir ja jetzt auch so blöd vor, auch wenn man das jetzt nicht unbedingt vergleichen kann. Naja ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen oder Tipps geben. Ers ein ganz normaler Mann also benimm dich dementsprechend auch so. Erstmal, danke ihr beiden für euere Antworten Also sowas in der Art hatte ich mir auch schon überlegt, dass ich ihm sage, dass ich öfter in der Show bin usw. Aber dann habe ich gedacht, dass gerade das blöd kommt. Ich glaube auch wenn der erste Schritt einmal geschafft ist, würde es mir auch nicht mehr schwer fallen mit ihm zu reden. Ps: Wäre schon noch weitere Meinungen von anderen zu hören. In Antwort auf claudi882 Erstmal, danke ihr beiden für euere Antworten Also sowas in der Art hatte ich mir auch schon überlegt, dass ich ihm sage, dass ich öfter in der Show bin usw. Wenn frau Mann anspricht, dann beschwört das folgende Wie soll ich ihn ansprechen herauf: Er weiß, dass sie ihn gut findet. Er weiß auch, dass es für ihn leicht sein wird, sie in die Kiste zu kriegen. Das ergibt eine große Versuchung, es einfach mal zu tun, auch wenn er sich nicht gleich in sie verliebt. Dann schreibt frau wieder hier im Forum. Der Trick, sich als Eislaufinteressentin auszugeben, die ausgerechnet ihn anspricht. Siehst Du irgendwie eine Möglichkeit, ihm ohne Eisfläche zu begegnen, weißt Du irgendwas über ihn. In Antwort auf timoa74 Dünnes Eis. Seh ich nicht so Wenn frau Mann anspricht, dann beschwört das folgende Gefahr herauf: Er weiß, dass sie ihn gut findet. Ich hab mal jemanden angesprochen, dessen Zeitungskolummne mir immer sehr gut gefallen haben. Ich wollte den wirklich mal kennenlernen. Am Ende wollte er was von mir und ich nicht mehr von ihm, weil er son paar Schrullen hatte, mit denen ich nicht klargekommen bin. Ich halte ehrliches Ansprechen für eine gute Idee. Vielleicht ist er ja gar nicht so toll, wie erträumt. In Antwort auf panoramablick Seh ich nicht so Wenn frau Mann anspricht, dann beschwört das folgende Gefahr herauf: Er weiß, dass sie ihn gut findet. Wollte auch nur mal auf den Mechanismus hinweisen, der ablaufen kann, wenn Frau sich aus solcher Position heraus annähert. In Antwort auf timoa74 Gut möglich. Und wenn ich ihn sehe, dann nur im Park, zwischen den Shows seh ich ihn öfter durch den Park laufen. Ich weiß es ist wirklich kompliziert, aber sowas kann man sich ja leider nicht immer aussuchen. Mir wärs auch lieber gewesen ich hätte ihn irgendwo anders entdeckt, wo man schneller mit ihm ins Gespräch kommen könnte. Aber keine Angst, die rosarote Brille hab ich noch nicht aufsitzen, und ich werde auch weiter realitisch bleiben.

Mann ansprechen
Ich sagte,, ich bin deine große Schwester Michelle du warst damals noch sehr klein und kannst dich sicher nicht erinnern. Wir haben uns dann unterhalten, was er macht und ich habe ihn diesbezüglich etwas gefragt. Wie soll ich sie naja ansprechen in der Schule habe ich extrem selten und kurz noch eine Möglichkeit oder gar nie. Ich würde auch nicht verklausuliert versuchen, mir Sicherheiten zu verschaffen, indem ich den neuen Mann nerve mit willst du wirklich eine Beziehung, echt und ganz, ganz ehrlich? Ein Gentlemen, der dies beobachtet, nutzt die Chance, um es ihr zurückzubringen und sie somit anzusprechen. Tipp 2: Bitte ihn um einen Gefallen Dass du einen Mann ansprichst, bedeutet nicht automatisch gleichzeitig auch, dass du ihn nach einem Date fragst. Also solltest du dir Gedanken über gute Komplimente machen, die den Jungen oder das Mädchen beeindrucken sollen. Ich denke er ist genauso schüchtern wie du und würde sich sicherlich freuen von dir angesprochen zu werden. Die Chance ist groß, dass du einen sehr überraschten Blick ernten wirst. Das kann genauso von seiner als auch von deiner! Also würde ich erstmal das abchecken und diese Hürden ausfindig machen und entblockieren. Das Problem ist, dass ich zu spät auf sie aufmerksam geworden bin und ich jetzt nach den Ferien die Schule wechsele.

0 Tovább

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