I Found The Key To Happiness — And It’s Simpler Than You Think
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Do one thing at a time. Quote: halo said: The heart's my favorite!! The day needs to start and end healthy.
After finishing it, I started asking how ordinary features of my city, from streetlights to flowerpots, might affect the greater well-being of residents. We need to happily succeed rather than try to succeed to be happy.
The One Word Key To Happiness - You could actually be happy in this very moment.
Most people want to be happy. But they also want to be successful. Usually, we spend more of our time steeped in negative emotions than we do in the positive ones. So how do we go about doing the opposite? What are the keys to happiness and success? And by no means does it feel good whatsoever. But there is a pathway to happiness. The beginning is always rocky and steep, enough to make most people turn back. And parts of the road are downright impassable. But for those willing to put in the work, those seemingly impassable roads eventually lead to easier streets. But navigating along them at the outset might feel treacherous at best. But with the right amount of focus and grit, it happens, one step at a time, and one day at a time. What does it mean to be happy and successful? But sometimes they do. The thing about happiness and success is that, in order to achieve either of them, you first need a definition in place on what they actually mean to you. Sometimes money brings more problems. It all just depends who you ask and what your experiences have been like that have shaped your beliefs. Either way, you need to define what they both mean to you. You could actually be happy in this very moment. And for good reason. Consider what will make you happy, and write it down. Consider what will make you feel successful, and right it down. This is a prerequisite for achieving either. And goals that remain in the abstract are always unattainable. So, put some definition behind them both. But then you need to put some fuel into that fire. You need to institute a few actions and create a few habits that will help to get you there. Overall, there are 7 essential keys to happiness and success that will help to materialize both those things in your life. We need to happily succeed rather than try to succeed to be happy. Success should not breed happiness. Happiness should bread success. However, when our happiness hinges on our success, good things never come. What are we focused on in life? What do we want the most? And what are the reasons for focusing on and wanting those things? Living in a state of lack is a huge disservice to us. Everything about our focus shifts to a state of lack. We only see the negative that comes from not having what we want in life. Alternatively, when we focus on abundance, and being grateful for what we have, even when we have to go through pain and failure, we live in an abundant state. Even if we think that all we have are problems, we have to be grateful for them. Because, if we were to throw our problems into the ring with those of others from around the world, I can assure you that we would take our problems back. There are always others that are living in a far worse alternative to life than we are. Without that, we have nothing. When we can live in a state of abundance and gratitude, happiness and success will eventually transpire. Even if we achieve them, it will only be a momentary state of bliss or success, and it will disappear as soon as the next want or desire sets in. Do it for at least 15 minutes each day. And be sure to write it down. Writing things out takes them from the abstract into reality. It sets off a chain of commands in the neurons in the brain that lend itself to experiencing something in an entirely different way than just thinking about it. Even if you say you have nothing to be grateful for, find something. You can be grateful for being 6 feet above ground. You can be grateful for the ability to read and write, have reason and logic. You can be grateful for friends, family members, pets, food on your plate, clothes on your back, roof over your head and so on. But, then again, many of us have trouble simple being present. But what does it mean to be present? And why is this one of the keys to happiness and success? Well, similar to the simple act of gratitude, being present grounds us in the moment. We stop to appreciate the miracles that exist in every direction we look, the beauty of all the things around us, and the journey that we call life. It helps us transcend the fears of tomorrow and the regrets of yesterday. Problems are a sign of life. And we will always have problems. We will never be problem free. And while problems might cause us some pain, great or small, those same problems allow us to grow as humans, learn, understand, become more empathetic, and reach new epiphanies about life. Effective time managers have a handle on their obligations in life, and know just how to juggle things in order to get ahead. They focus on their long-term goals and prioritize the activities that will help move them forward instead of leaving them behind. We miss bill payments, forget about meetings, and fail to organize our activities to pursue our long-term goals. Those time-wasters take precious moments away from our bigger, longer term goals. Everyone in this world has the same amount of time. We have just 24 hours a day, which equates to 1,440 minutes or 86,400 seconds. Not one person, no matter how rich or poor, tall or short, the color of their skin, their religion, or their geographic location, has more time than the other. Find a good system to manage your time and make it habitual. Focus your energy and your enthusiasm, find a system that works for you and work it. All of us have. But for people who set goals the right way, , success is far more attainable. If you want to set SMARTER goals, grab a sheet of paper and start writing. What do you want? Specifically, what do you want? Describe it in great detail. Say an exact number of dollars and an exact amount of pounds or kilos that you want to lose, with a specific date for its achievement. What you do in the morning, sets the pace for the rest of the day. In turn, it dictates the outcome of your life. If you want to be happy and successful, create a set of habits in the morning to help foster that in your life. The right combination of habits executed day-in and day-out can make all the difference. But if we want to get ahead, succeed, and feel mentally at peace with ourselves, we need an empowering morning routine. Create a routine that will help empower your life rather than hinder it. Wake up early, eat a good breakfast, work out for 20 minutes, do yoga or meditate, write out a set of daily goals, and so on. Take control, grab the reins, and be inspired and motivated to do and achieve something while helping others and yourself in the process. They offer one of the most crucial keys to achieving our goals in life over the long term. Going about identifying your MITs is a crucial part of this process. In time management, we call these quadrant-two activities — the important but not urgent things necessary to achieve your long-term goals. Once your empowering morning routine is completed, get to these first. As long as you can identify those, and you can implement those actions day after day, you can succeed in time. Make a list the night before of your MITs that you want to tackle the next day. Then, when you wake up the following day, ensure that you get after that list. When we do things to harm ourselves by overeating, over-drinking alcohol, taking recreational drugs, and the like, not only does it have an adverse effect on our bodies, but also on our minds. The overall focus has to be on health. The day needs to start and end healthy. Clean body, clean mind. We also need to get grounded mentally. We need to do things like meditate and relax the mind. Take up a yoga class or institute an exercise regimen so that you have something that starts incorporating healthy habits into your life. But it does get easier over time as long you continue to repeat the right behaviors. One found that habit formation takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form with an average of 66 days to solidify, so keep that in mind.
Moving from words to gestures, back to words, I was like a mime trying to act out a song. This task went from overwhelming and impossible, to actionable and realistic. While some of his examples simply reinforce the inarguable fact that we need more of these resources more libraries. Consider what will make you happy, and write it down. Once your empowering morning routine is completed, get to these first. Your brain is obviously capable of storing all this info so anyone can do it.